
In October of 2019, I wrote an email to a gentleman I consider to be knowledgeable about geo-political goings on in the world, asking if I’d be safe traveling to Spain in November. He replied that he thought I’d be alright. I’d purposely avoided Spain in the past because I despised bullfighting. My small one woman protest.

An amazing package deal had come my way and my nearly constant wanderlust took over, so just before Thanksgiving off I went. Madrid was noisy and exciting. I loved the Prado and other museums and squares filled with night life. Vegetarian food was hard to find, but not impossible. These folks are big meat eaters.

A delicious tapas plate of fried peppers in Madrid.

A day trip to the walled early Spanish capital Toledo was beautiful but disappointing because almost everything was closed during the hours I was there.

View from the walled ancient city of Toledo down to the newer Toledo below.

My last stop was Barcelona. Here the Catalan language could be heard. There were peaceful protests in the streets everyday and signs warning of pickpockets. One did not wear one’s purse on the outside of one’s clothes. Pickpockets were all over the Rambla, Barcelona’s long main street filled with market stalls and tourists even in the slow season of November 2019.

Inside the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia, also known as Barcelona Cathedral constructed between the 13th through 15th century.

Both the medieval architecture and the more modern Gaudi contributions were breathtaking.

The author at Gaudi’s Parc Guell.

After buying varieties of turrón candy for gifts and for my own consumption, I really wanted to get something for myself to remember this trip. Finally I came upon this wonderful mask shop run by two charming elderly people. Then I saw it, a doll of Dr. Peste, the plague doctor, a famous figure in Southern Europe during the Black Plague. I knew that was what I wanted. It was not inexpensive but it was handmade and well worth the money in my opinion.

Dr. Peste figurine with clothes from Arlequi Màscares.

Little did I consciously know at the time, but a novel disease from China was already making a small inroad in Spain.

Fahrusha is a professional intuitive and host of “Shattered Reality Podcast.”

This post was inspired by two articles that I recently posted on Shattered Reality Podcast‘s fan page on Facebook.

The first article comes from the BBC and is entitled: Earth ‘entering new extinction phase’-US study. This article, frankly, makes all other news reports irrelevant and unimportant by comparison. You should click the link and read it for yourself, but briefly it outlines a Stanford, Princeton, and Berkeley study that states that Earth has begun the sixth mass extinction which will put an end to human kind and all large mammals, most birds and amphibians, due to human overpopulation, destruction of ecosystems and global warming. The loss of bees is particularly important. It is a very bleak picture indeed.

It is articles like this and being bombarded with news stories of humans perpetrating unconscionable acts on other humans, companion animals and the ecosystem that makes me frequently disgusted with, disappointed in, and wanting no part of the species to which I apparently belong. This is obviously not a good state of mind to be in, especially since it is most healthy to exist in a mental space of unconditional love. I spend much of my focused meditation time on projecting unconditional love to Our Planet Earth and the Sun and to numerous animal and plant species.

The second article: Evidence Group Consciousness May Have a Physical Effect on the World gives a little hope. Referencing the Roger Nelson’s PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) studies with Random Event Generators, this article points out that individuals can have a physical effect on the generators, couples exert a larger effect and groups of cohesive individuals can have the biggest effect recorded. Please read this excellent article by Daniel Lew to better understand Random Number Generators and Random Event Generators.

Roger Nelson, Ph.D. Head of the Global Consciousness Project (courtesy of

Roger Nelson, Ph.D. Head of the Global Consciousness Project (courtesy of

The idea that we as a group could have a tangible effect on physical reality may be mind boggling to some, but it is also the predictible flowering of the fruit of quantum mechanics. Though the PEAR lab at Princeton closed a few years ago, Roger Nelson has continued with his work now called The Global Consciousness Project. This may be the most important consciousness research going on in the world right now and our last best hope to save ourselves. I personally want to learn more about it and so should you.

Addendum: This article in no way means to imply that every human on Earth should not do her and his best to be as ecologically aware as possible to preserve our environment the Earth.


Fahrusha and Kate Valentine are proud to present Dr. Roger Nelson, former research director at PEAR Lab and head of the Global Consciousness Project.

Fahrusha is an intuitive reader, teacher of creative visualization, and co-host of the popular Shattered Reality Podcast. She welcomes comments on this blog. She can also be reached at:

Wreckage courtesy of Emmanuel Foudrot/Reuters

Wreckage courtesy of Emmanuel Foudrot/Reuters

Germanwings Flight 9525, an Airbus A320, took off at 10:01 a.m. March 24, 2015 from Barcelona, bound for Dusseldorf. The plane had 144 passengers and six crew members on board. At approximately 10:40 that plane crashed into difficult terrain near Digne-les-Bains in the French Alps. By now, dear reader, you probably know all about this very sad tragedy.

10 a.m. Barcelona time is 4 a.m. New York time. A client and friend of mine, Jill Jacobson, was at home in Brooklyn NY in the process of falling asleep. She was roused, she estimates, at 1 a.m. the morning of March 24 (3 hours before the plane took off) because words, a poem perhaps, were rolling around in her head while she was in the liminal state. She got up from bed and wrote them down. Then she promptly went back to bed and immediately went deeply to sleep. When she got up the following morning she forgot all about the words she had jotted down on the paper, perhaps because she wasn’t fully awake when she wrote them. She went outside to do some errands. When she returned home and put on Channel 7 news, she heard about the plane crash and something on the broadcast triggered the memory of the poem she wrote, something about flying and jet fuel. She went to her desk and found the note she penned during the night and this is what it said:


Shattered Reality Podcast

Shattered Reality Podcast

Kate Valentine, of the late great Kate Valentine UFO show, and I (Fahrusha) have teamed up with musician and sound engineer Bill Moraites, to bring you a new paranormal podcast, Shattered Reality!. We will be discussing UFOs (of course) and other topics such as remote viewing, out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and more.

Here are some links to our episodes:

Featuring Don Ecker:

Featuring Philip Smith:

Featuring Mack Maloney:

Featuring Robert Schroeder:

We have a fanpage on Facebook: Please take a moment to like it. Thanks.

We have two sites under development currently. Please excuse any technological hiccups.

Future guests include former MUFON Star Investigator Chase Kloetske,

and Natalie Sudman, author, archeologist and Monroe Institute trainer.


The comedienne known to all the World as Joan Rivers was known to me as Mrs. Rosenberg. She was a party client of mine for a number of years. She hired me to entertain as a psychic reader at her sumptuous home and at her business office for events celebrating the holiday season. I also once read palms at an event she created just for her women friends at an upscale hotel on the East Side of Manhattan. It was a Spring Hat Party. There were around forty women present (if memory serves me correctly), all celebrities or socialites who were asked to wear a stylish hat of their choice. I also wore a hat, a Middle Eastern pillbox affair. The favors given at the end of the event were specially decorated chocolate hats in mini hat boxes. Mrs. Rosenberg gave me one to take home with me.

On Tuesday night September 2, 2014, lying in my bed, I was engaged in meditation which is my regular habit. Although I had been informed by the TV newscasts several days prior that there had been a medical emergency involving Joan Rivers (I always wished her well), I was not at the time thinking of her whatsoever. She appeared in front of me suddenly in my blank meditation space declaring definitively that she did not want her body to be maintained on life support. She did not want to be kept alive by machines. She also gave me the message that I should keep moving (remain active as possible – more about that later). I was perplexed by her visit to me. Many will relegate my experience to that of an overactive imagination, but she seemed very real to me and, as I stated, I had not been thinking of her before my meditation. I did not know what to do with the information I was given. I had met her daughter Melissa several times and read for her at the parties more than once, but I did not think it was appropriate to try to reach her and tell her about my experience. I also thought of trying to reach the couple who were her housekeepers and were very friendly to me when I worked there, but I did not. (more…)

Grape hyacinth & primrose All rights reserved © R. Shaw

Grape hyacinth & primrose
All rights reserved © R. Shaw

Happy Earth Day, everyone! This year Earth Day has fallen on a Monday so this past weekend there were many events and ecological protests in many places including huge hearts from around the world, aerially photographed and dutifully posted on FaceBook. But how far have we come? Have people changed their habits to benefit our environment?

This morning I took a yoga class at a very nice studio. The place was clean, the staff was friendly and the instructor knew her subject. It seemed like a wonderful way to celebrate Earth Day with a good stretch. The instructor even wished us all a Happy Earth Day! After which several women (the class was composed of 90% women) cracked open their personal-sized water bottles. It simply ruined my class. Here I was, in what should have been a bastion of ecological consciousness. I wanted to shout expletives at them. I did not.

Do I ever drink bottled water you may ask? Yes, I have. Sometimes at event jobs that is all that is provided. I do not choose it. I have even been seen running to the ladies room to refill the bottle rather than take a new one. It seems to me that these yoga students could have planned other options, such as filling a metal water bottle from home with filtered water, or even having a refillable water bottle with a filter. The filters are good for 300 refills and thereby keep 300 plastic bottles out of the environment. Bobble and Brita are inexpensive brands.

Here is a very good article on why disposable water bottles are so bad:

In short they are bad for your health when the plastic leaches into the water, the bottles are mostly made of petroleum keeping us petroleum addicted, and they are hell on the environment because they do not easily disintegrate. Plus the companies that produce much of the bottled water make chumps out of the people that buy it, because most of it is just tap water anyway.

I do not bring water to exercise classes, I simply use the water fountain before and/or after. That is tap water too.

Travis Walton in Bordentown, NJ on 11/12/11

Twice a year for the past 25 years, Pat Marcattilio, affectionately known as “Dr. UFO” to his friends and ufological acquaintances, has put together a UFO Congress in South Jersey. This fall it was a three day event featuring several prominent figures in the paranormal world and celebrated the 50th Congress that Mr. Marcattilio has organized. Recently he has been ably aided in this endeavor by his daughter Karin.

Sadly I was unable to attend the entire event due to other commitments, but I have had a great abiding interest in Travis Walton and his amazing, well documented story of alien abduction, so I motored down the New Jersey Turnpike to exit 7 on Saturday night armed only with my trusty Canon and my burning curiosity. I was not disappointed.

For over two hours, Mr. Walton showed film clips, spoke earnestly of his experience and answered questions for the gathered assembly.  Although his experience happened thirty-six years ago it was plain to see that he became emotional while telling it. Being an experiencer I empathized with the abject fear he felt when faced with alien beings. Everyone with whom I spoke who saw the lecture was very moved by his sincerity. Even one person who is extremely skeptical about the subject of aliens was not only favorably impressed with Travis Walton, but also showed a new found fascination with the subject.

Briefly stated, Travis Walton was a member of a logging crew consisting of seven men on November 5, 1975 in Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona.  On their way out of the forest that evening they observed a glow in the sky they could not make out, so they drove closer expecting perhaps a hunters’ campfire gone out of control. As they got closer, they posited a crashed plane in a tree, but soon a saucer shaped aerial craft revealed itself. It appeared to be 20 feet off the ground hovering silently.

Walton described the craft: “I estimated the object to have an overall diameter of fifteen or twenty feet; it was eight or ten feet thick. The flattened disc had a shape like that of two gigantic pie-pans placed lip to lip, with a small round bowl turned upside down on the top. Barely visible at our angle of sight, the white dome peaked over the upper outline of the ship. We could see darker stripes of a dull silver sheen that divided the glowing areas into panel-like sections. The dim yellowish light given off by the surface had the luster of hot metal, fresh from a blast furnace.”

Curiosity overpowered prudent caution in the young Travis, then 22. He leapt from the truck and ran under the saucer to get a better look. Suddenly the craft began to hum with mixed mechanical pitches, Travis crouched down but was nonetheless hit with a blue green beam that knocked him senseless. In fear of their lives and because they believed Walton dead, the other six fled the scene but returned shortly to find no sign of Travis. He had disappeared.

The story of what happened to Travis Walton during his five day abduction should be read by you from his book, Fire in the Sky and not here in brief synopsis. There was a Hollywood movie of the same name which contains the basic elements of the story with some theatrical changes, so it can be interesting especially if you are aware of the inaccuracies in it.

One overarching fact should be mentioned, Walton and the logging crew took multiple lie detector tests and passed them with flying colors. It is therefore unimaginable that they all colluded in a lie. Anyone with a true interest in ufology would be remiss not to study this baffling case.

Whitley Strieber waiting to begin his presentation.

You and I have spoken all these words,
But for the way we have to go words are no preparation.
I have one small drop of knowing in my soul.
Let it dissolve in your ocean!

On October 22, I attended a conference presented by FIONS and New Realities which took place at the Community Church of New York on East 35th Street. The featured speakers, in order of presentation, were Linda Moulton Howe, Whitley Strieber and Richard Dolan. The Master of Ceremonies was Alan Steinfeld of New Realities. FIONS stands for Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences which is a non-profit organization associated with IONS, founded by Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and dedicated to the integration of science and consciousness.

As a multiple experiencer and consciousness researcher myself, I take every reasonable opportunity to interact with other serious persons of a similar description. I was happy to see a number of friends in attendance as well as several hundred other people (perhaps some future friends). The atmosphere was serious and urgent.

First to speak was Linda Moulton Howe of She presented a fascinating lecture about her recent research which has led her to a concept which is at the same time logical and mind blowing: alien self-activating machines. In our own terrestrial scientific research, especially in the bio-medical field, there have been enormous strides made in the last 50 years in all kinds artificial body part replacements. On the other side of the equation, computers are getting smarter and smarter and more lifelike in their interactions with humans. Truly, many intelligent minds have pondered the implications of blurring the distinction between humans and artificial intelligences. Movies have been made for years about this phenomena and I remember “the Bionic Man” and “the Bionic Woman” TV shows from my youth.

Additionally, it has been posited for years that extraterrestrials wishing to traverse the vast expanses of space travelling many light years from star to star might send androids rather than biological beings to live aboard space ships. More recently I have heard the observation that some UFO craft appear to be behaving like actual living beings and morphing shapes.

So at this point I can segue into Linda Moulton Howe’s presentation. Several years ago several sets of related photographs were sent to her at Earthfiles. The subjects of these photos came to be known as dragonfly drone UFOs. She published the images and was criticized by some ufologists because they believed the photos to have been hoaxed by the senders (not Ms. Howe). Since then she has received information regarding the symbols on these craft, the similar symbols on a UFO in Rendlesham Forest by Jim Penniston, and how they relate to some crop circles. She has also received information from retired government insiders seeming to show that the symbols are a self activating software on the outside surface of a living metallic animal UFO. Merely by touching the symbols the machines can be activated, sometimes, it is reported, with disastrous results. She gave a compelling talk that was well received by the audience and I think she was sincere but because of government secrecy we have little direct access to what is known by deep secret sources. I saw some similar symbols during a forced out-of-body experience (possible abduction) two years ago.

Linda Moulton Howe

The beginning of Whitley Strieber‘s presentation touched upon how our human brains can be organically changed by simply thinking about the surreal and how aliens may be changing us. There are so many irreversible changes going on in our environment that we can never return to the world as it once was, so we must evolve to accommodate the changes or perish.

He talked about Dr. Paul Hill, a famous engineer with NACA (the predecessor of NASA) who had a groundbreaking UFO experience in July of 1952 in the company of other witnesses. His work in static field technology and his book Unconventional Flying Objects (Hampton Roads) were suppressed until after his death. Whitley went on to read some passages from his new non-fiction book Solving the Communion Enigma about the alien presence to be released in January which promises to be thought provoking.

The last speaker was Richard Dolan, an eminent historian and chronicler of UFO sightings with three excellent books to prove it. I have seen him do presentations at at least four other venues and he is always interesting and well thought out in his lectures. He looks at the UFO phenomena from the point of history. In 1947, President Harry Truman was aware that the nation was war weary and if the truth about UFO were revealed the world order would be challenged. Oil was also at the center of the issue because a UFO-type propulsion system would end the oil industry and allow for totally unrestricted travel. He has documents on his website that prove US jets chased UFOs.

Dolan says the secrecy and black budgets surrounding UFOs are unconstitutional and therefore illegal. The secret government agencies influenced the mainstream media, which in turn influenced the public to believe that the UFOs were the foolish inventions of overactive imaginations, which they are not. The Department of Defense controls much of the academic scientific community, making sure that government grants are not given for research to those who profess an interest in UFOs. Much of our history has been stolen from us in regards to this and other subjects. It becomes nearly impossible to know what is true and what is not because so much information is classified so deeply that even Congress can’t get at it.

Dolan also contends that there exists a “breakaway” civilization which operates on the trillion dollar black budget and that has (amongst other things like underground bunkers) much better technology than the civilian world, to wit in 1965 the NSA (then a totally secret agency) had computer speeds not seen in the public until after 2000.

He also feels disclosure is inevitable. It may be, but I think disclosure will be incremental as we are already witnessing. Certainly a mass sighting with multiple video capture, a Wikileaks type leak, a presidential deathbed confession or the like might force the hand of the secret keepers.

All in all I enjoyed the conference which may have better been titled UFOs and Government Secrecy!

Richard Dolan

William Buhlman

During my life, I have had several spontaneous out of body experiences, many instances of sleep paralysis and vibratory sensations, and have often been “out of phase” with my body. Much of this has been very frightening to me, especially when I was a little child. As an adult I have worked to overcome this fear and this has resulted in a number of experiences in which I communicated with other non-physical beings. Please see: Bee Message for an example. But I could not initiate these experiences at will and I could not lose all fear, although going to the Monroe Institute has aided me greatly in my pursuit. I have been given access to others with similar experiences and techniques to lessen my apprehension.

So, of course, when I became aware that author William Buhlman was facilitating an Out of Body Intensive Workshop at TMI I knew I wanted to attend. I had read his two books Adventures Beyond the Body  and  The Secret of the Soul, both of which I recommend. So I attempted to reserve a space in the workshop, but alas, it was sold out with a waiting list. I was not to be deterred. I put myself on that list and took the ultimate leap of faith: I made non-refundable travel reservations. Then I visualized being a part of the group until <BINGO>a space opened up.

The other attendees were a very select group, but self selected. They were experiencers at various levels, some having had full-blown OBEs others having only been out of phase with their physical bodies and wondering what could possibly be going on. For forty years Bill Buhlman has been traveling out of body volitionally as opposed to spontaneously and practices everyday, but not every day yields an OBE. He gave us many techniques to generate OBEs that we practiced with great fervor in up to five sessions per day of approximately 45 minutes each. I experienced less fear during these sessions because I was intentionally moving my etheric or light body rather than having an experience by surprise.

Although Buhlman has constructed a sort of cosmology for himself based upon his many exploits out of body, he emphasized that we should not buy into the belief systems of others (even him) since with a bit of practice we could obtain direct experience. He believes that this direct experience will benefit us when our physical body dies and we are faced with choices.

For me the real sticking point is the point of individuation. Great sages have said we are all one. We are one with other humans, animals, plants, Earth and everything in the Universe. When we are out of body, travelling to other levels of being and consciousness how do we know if a being we meet is part of our higher self or in fact another entity still individuated on that level of consciousness? Buhlman says to create an intention in the form of a fairly strong demand and repeat it mentally if it does not become immediately clear. I used this strong repeated intention during one practice session to be able to see my etheric surroundings more clearly and to move up a level astrally. It worked!

More to come…

Wooly Mammoth

When I was younger and more foolish I made a list of predictions for the coming year. It was in the late ’80s and my late great friend, Captain Haggerty was organizing a new year’s publicity event around his dog training business and asked me if I wanted to take part. He was making predictions about what would be happening in the dog fancier’s world and displaying some of his dogs. I was to bellydance for the cameras and make some predictions about what would happen in the world at large.

Most of my predictions did not transpire in that year, but in some permutation many of them became pivotal in future years.  Last week I noticed in the news that Japanese scientists were actively working on recreating a mammoth from genetic material retrieved from the Siberian permafrost. I had predicted just that in the late ’80s. It is claimed that the mammoth will be born of an elephant surrogate mom by the end of the decade. The elephant is the closest surviving relative of the mammoth.

Since the time I made that prediction, I have thought long and hard about the business of making predictions. I have noticed that predictions I’ve made often occur but seldom in the time frame I expected. Often people are looking for predictions about the personal lives of the rich and famous. I have no interest in that whatsoever.

I am concerned that in making a specific public prediction one can change the course of events. Simply put, if I write that Mr. X will be killed and a sizable group of individuals read that and think about it, does that make it more likely that Mr. X will perish? I suspect it will. It will affect the collective mind of humanity.

There is another reason I am not making a lot of predictions: my world view has become increasingly dark and I do not wish to infect others with my state of mind. I am not depressed, really, I’m actually fairly happy. It’s just that my “Weltanshauung” (world view) is very negative.

What I have to say next is going to sound very politically partisan but in actuality it is not. I was very hopeful about the world until the day after the 2000 US Presidential election. I was never very politically active previous to this time. I was and am an active environmentalist. Yes, I admit it I am a treehugger. After “W” was elected it seemed as though the whole world went to hell in so many ways, both related to the election and not related to it at all, and it has not recovered.

I will make only one prediction now, and it will be very general. The more you do to improve or save the environment, the happier your future will be; and conversely if you degrade the environment you can be sure the future will be awful for your old age and those that follow you.

Sometimes I wonder how people (are they really humans?) can be anti-environmental. I do understand a certain shortsightedness on the part of those who might lose their incomes as sanctions are put into place which would cause them to lose their jobs. There is a fairly simple answer for this. They should be retrained for green jobs. There is lots of money to be made in renewable energy, for example, and this is just the beginning.

It is a fantasy of mine that those who are politically active against the environment are reptilian alien shapeshifters who want the Earth to be turned into a hot awful wasteland so that they can immigrate their population from their wasted reptilian planet light years away and enslave the few remaining humans. In reality those belonging to the anti-environment group are probably simply greedy and rapacious sociopaths who don’t care a whit for anybody or anything beyond dying with the most toys.

OK Folks, here it is- the second mystery photo contest! Where was this photo taken and who is in it? By who I mean the three people in the front. I’m not sure who the people in the rear are so I wouldn’t be able to moderate that answer in any case. The people in the photo are not eligible to win, in case you were wondering and neither is the person who took the photo, though she will be credited after the answer is revealed. All answers written in will be revealed when the contest has ended.  As in my previous contest, I will allow the winner to suggest the prize. (And no, a million U.S. Dollars is not a possibility! 🙂 )

Oh yes, you can get half the answer, such as you can name the three people and not the event and location, or vice versa. Good luck and may the best human win!

Update!!! 09/16/10

The contest is over with the first prize winner being David Biedny, second prize goes to Ellen J. and honorable mention to Shelia K., Jill J. and Patricia.  David identified all the participants and the general venue, Ellen identified me and the specific venue. Shelia, Patricia and Jill all identified me. The second Dave (G.) who identified Jeff Peckman as disclosure dude was close (but no cigar 🙂 ).

I wanted to give Mr. Biedny a box of the “Alien Cereal” that Jeff Peckman had in his hand, as a prize. Alas I could not find one for sale.

Lisa Hirshfield, Larry "Ratso" Sloman, Anthony Matt, Doug Skinner and the infamous worm painting

On Sunday July 11, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. at the Jalopy Theater, 315 Columbia Street in Brooklyn, Doug Skinner and the Ullage Group organized an afternoon commemorating the life of John A. Keel. The afternoon included readings from some of Keel’s lesser known works read by Mr. Skinner, Lisa Hirshfield, Larry “Ratso” Sloman and Anthony Matt.

I had read with rapt interest Keel’s most famous work, The Mothman Prophesies, some years ago and I’d also seen the movie of the same name loosely based upon the book. When I read the book I remember thinking how some of the more random paranormal events (not related directly to the Mothman story itself and not depicted in the film) mirrored some odd events in my life. I knew that Keel lived in New York City and I was peripherally acquainted with a large number of people who knew or had met Keel. I’d expressed interest to some of them in meeting him, but alas, that was not to be.

The presentation began with Doug Skinner toasting the memory of John A. Keel by drinking a can of Glucerna (a nutritional drink for diabetics). I learned that Keel’s given name was Alva John Kiehle. Lisa Hirshfield then read his first published work from 1945 when he was 15 years old. His wry sense of humor was evident even then.

During his stint in the military in the early 1950s Keel worked for the armed forces network out of Cairo, Egypt. The audience was treated to an audio clip of his presentation from inside the Giza pyramid, followed shortly by a kitschy song named “Jadoo” promoting his book (of the same title) of adventures in the Middle East and Africa. I am a proud owner of the book Jadoo! We saw a remarkable movie he made in New York City in the 1960s called “On Exhibition”. In it Keel played a drunk at the Museum of Modern Art.

Keel wrote sleaze novels under the pseudonym Harry Gibbs. Some excerpts from these were read by Larry “Ratso” Sloman, Keel’s friend, sometimes employer, and editor of High Times Magazine. Soon after we saw the worm painting pictured above painted by 35 earthworms in October 1960 for Merv Griffin’s TV show “Play Your Hunch”, for which Keel was a writer.

Later in the 1960s Keel pitched a film treatment called ” Nudists From Outer Space” read  by Anthony Matt. Finally a video clip from John Keel’s appearance on the David Letterman Show in the 1980s was played. He discussed a variety of paranormal phenomena.

I really enjoyed this look into John A. Keel’s life, although I had expected more time to be devoted to the paranormal. I was pleased to meet some other anomalists after the performance including Geoff who is working on a fascinating movie about UFOs filmed over New York City  called “Believing Is Seeing“. = a blog about John A. Keel

Pamela and Thomas Campbell

As many of my readers already know, I am a big fan of Robert Monroe, author of Journeys Out Of Body and founder of the Monroe Institute. About a year ago, a book with the unlikely name of My Big T.O.E, came to my attention. It was written by Thomas Campbell who worked with Bob Monroe in the early years, when Monroe was beginning the Institute. Initially My Big T.O.E, was published as three separate volumes, but more recently it was republished as a giant paperback and I bought it. T.O.E., by the way, stands for theory of everything. This book is an engaging tome but don’t expect to buzz through it in a weekend. It requires careful thoughtful reading and I rarely was able to read more than 10-20 pages a sitting. Even then I was often forced to reread paragraphs to truly digest their meaning. It is one thing to understand the words and quite another to own the concepts set forth by those words.

Tom Campbell is a nuclear physicist who has spent much of his career working for NASA and the book is based in scientific inquiry. He is well versed in all manner of cosmology and physical theories of the Universe from Newton through Einstein and beyond into Quantum physics and string theory. He is convinced that the known Universe is both virtual and digital and he can prove it to anyone who will listen (or read). But Campbell is also a meta-physician.

Needless to say these ideas had me spellbound, so when I went to his website to glean more information, it was extremely synchronistic to discover that he had a seminar in NYC in a month’s time. I cleared my calendar for that weekend and registered.

The program was held at the MetaCenter on West 29th Street, a very convenient, clean, central NYC location. Friday night was the (free) introduction to the ideas embodied in the book; on Saturday Campbell worked through the theoretical implications of the “Theory of Everything”; and on Sunday those implications were tested on a practical level with exercises in healing and remote viewing.

The basic starting point of the program was to establish the nature of reality. Most models of reality fail to go beyond the physical 3 or 4D world and fail to consider what happened or what existed before or outside the “Big Bang”. Many scientists start with unsupportable assumptions. Reality is not synonymous with the models we make to explain it to ourselves and others. Physical reality as we experience it is an illusion of our senses. We get some data and extrapolate it into this reality model, when it actually exists only as a probability, until we make a measure of it. Consciousness is at the base of each of our realities and is therefore personal and not truly objective.

There is more, much more, that I cannot delve into in the space of this blog. It is all worthwhile considering.

I found myself largely agreeing with the conclusions of Tom Campbell with the exception of a certain (very esoteric) position on the nature of time outside our physical matter reality. That minor difference of opinion really makes no practical difference in the application of the principles set forth in Campbell’s “Big T.O.E.” (As an aside, he is actually a rocket scientist and I am not, so I’m guessing his opinion on this matter might have more sway than mine :-)) The manner in which he has explained some of those things that I had already discovered on my own to be true, was extraordinarily helpful in explaining those principles to others.

I highly recommend My Big T.O.E. to seekers and philosophers of all stripes. If you have a chance to go to one of his seminars, do it! In his workshops he is aided by his lovely wife, Pamela (pictured above) and Keith Warner and Donna Aveni (pictured below) who also book the seminars under the name MBT Events and do everything humanly possible to make you feel welcome.

Atlantic Coast UFO Conference
with David Biedny Guest Speaker
April 11, 2010 from 1 to 4 PM
At The Rest Stop Rejuvenate, 21 Maple Avenue, Rockaway, NJ 07866
Admission $20 at the door and seating is limited.
So please reserve now.
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A little bit about David Biedny:
Working at Industrial Light and Magic, he produced digital effects for a number of major motion pictures, including: Hudson Hawk • Terminator 2: Judgment Day • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country • The Rocketeer • Memoirs of an Invisible Man • Hook
David’s image processing knowledge and skills have enabled him to assist various researchers and investigators in the paranormal and UFO fields, and he has served as an image analyst for the Above Top Secret website, UFO Magazine and George Knapp. Recently, Biedny contributed his extensive analysis of reported photographs that emerged from the O’Hare Airport UFO sighting, of November 2006, to the research group NARCAP, and was cited in the acknowledgements of the report issued by NARCAP on the O’Hare case.

On Saturday, April 11, 2009, the Friends of the Institute of Noetic Science (FIONS) celebrated their 20th anniversary with a full day’s worth of interesting events. The day began with a delicious brunch at the home of two gracious members on the Upper West Side. Although the food was superb the highlight of the brunch was a discussion with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth human to walk on the Moon and the founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and crop circle expert Colin Andrews. In that discussion I was able to bring up the subject of disinformation in the UFO community and who might be responsible for that disinformation and to what end the disinformation is being disseminated.


Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Me

Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Me



After the brunch there was a general meeting at SUBUD downtown at 2:00 p.m. followed at 2:30 by a fascinating lecture about crop circles by Colin Andrews. This was the first lecture given by Mr. Andrews in several years and it was very interesting. He spoke of some of his anomalous experiences with sound inside and in the area of the circles. 

Dr Mitchell gave a lecture about the future and the changes that have taken place on the planet in the past century. His grandparents emigrated to the West in a horse drawn wagon. His parents were alive when the Wright Brothers flew the first airplane and he walked on the Moon! He emphasized that the population tripled from 2 billion around 1900 to over 6 billion in 2000. The equation is now out of balance. We should continue to explore Space. He says it has been conclusively proven to him that we have been visited by extraterrestrials and that the Roswell crash was the real deal. There were students present from the High School of Aviation in Queens and they were encouraged to ask questions.

As an experiencer, I was very moved by his talk. When I was a little girl I wanted to become an astronaut very much. Astronauts were the greatest heroes of my childhood. My father felt psychically that the Space Program would produce many fatalities, especially amongst women, and threatened to shoot me in the legs if I attempted to board a rocket bound for space. Needless to say I boarded no rockets, but I never lost my interest in the Cosmos.


Colin Andrews and Dr. Ed Mitchell

Colin Andrews and Dr. Ed Mitchell

Some physicists have posited a possible new hazard at the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN lab in Switzerland which may result from Bose Einstein Condensates, a super cold matter by-product of the LHC. The circuit of the particle accelerator is encased in a sea of superfluid helium (a known Bose Einstein Condensate) and strong magnetic fields a combination which can cause a huge explosion known as a Bose Einstein Supernova. But our friends at CERN say nothing to worry about.

Apparently the LHC is also harnessing the power of 100,000 computers through the use of the internet grid.

Disclaimer: I am not a particle physicist (and neither are you) 😀

Update: 01/23/09 Collider could create black holes that could last up to one minute.

I have been involved in a few interesting web-based activities in the meditational/psychic area of late that are open to all. First is the Peace Intention Experiment promoted and planned by Lynn McTaggart of Living In The Field. Every day this week just past noon, participants focus on the same target. The intention is to lower violence in the targeted area by having thousands of individuals meditate on peace there. The target is the Wanni region of Sri Lanka that has been wracked with violence for years (1983) due to a civil war. Currently the experiment is still in progress and I hope to be able to report that there have been positive results when the effects have been tabulated.

I have also been listening to some fascinating podcasts, most outstandingly The Paracast. While I don’t agree with everything the hosts, Gene Steinberg and David Biedny, say, they certainly are on the same page with me! Their presentations are interesting and extremely informative interviews with individuals at the forefront of paranormal investigations like Nick Pope, Philip Imbrogno, Dr. Steven Greer, Jan W. Vandersande and many, many others. Steinberg and Biedny are not “true believers” and they are not debunkers, they are critical thinkers with well thought out questions for their guests. I highly recommend their podcast if you have an interest in anomalies and thirst for some stimulating discussion on the subject. Many, but not all of the programs deal with the UFO phenomena.

I have also signed up with the Arlington Institute to participate in a premonitions project they are beginning. Honestly I have not been able to figure out the website as to how it works. Hopefully it will become clearer. Maybe there will be more on this later too.

OK science fans, this is way weird.

It seems that on March 19, 2008 a huge gamma ray burst from 7.5 billion light years away was aimed almost directly at Earth. It would have been visible with the naked eye if one were on Earth in a dark space facing the source of the burst. New Scientist says it was “a particularly focused jet”.

The article ends with a statement about the dilation of time due to the expansion of the Universe and leads to the following earlier article:

This brings up some metaphysical thoughts for me. The first of which relates to the time space continuum. It seems that the idea that time cannot exist without space and space cannot exist without time has been fairly well demonstrated by cosmology. I accept this intellectually. I work at owning this as a concept in my daily life and try to integrate it into my construct of the nature of existence. Totally integrating this idea into one’s being would, I think, radically change one’s sense of self in the world, especially when added to other physics concepts such as the idea that matter is not at all solid, but mostly empty space. In fact I once (in 2000) had a very transcendent experience regarding the nature of time in relation to the time space continuum.

The second thought that comes up may be thought by many to be rather fanciful. That is: was the gamma ray burst aimed almost directly at Earth totally by accident? I don’t claim to know the answer to that, but it is food for thought.

Lauren Raine Speaks in Sacred Circle.

Photo of Lauren Raine by Fahrusha

From April 13 thru April 16th, I was privileged to assist at Lauren Raine’s Masks of the Goddess seminar on the beautiful campus of the Kirpalu. I roomed in a nice facility called Hill House which was about a quarter mile away from the main building. Spring had just barely begun to bloom with the first tender blossoms and here and there, there were tiny patches of snow. The weather was crisp and splendid; the first scents of the awakening Gaia could be detected.

I was frankly very tentative about the idea of a roommate. I was glad to have company but as a light sleeper, I was afraid I’d be disturbed. To my surprise my roommate turned out to be a truly amazing woman named Martha (last name withheld to protect the innocent). She was a tough, strong, yet tender older lady who impressed me more than anyone I’ve met in a long time. Her honesty and wisdom were beyond that of many self-styled spiritual leaders, and here knowledge of nature and survival skills was formidable. We had some very valuable conversations.

The plaster casts that formed the masks

Lauren’s class had seven participants, all female. I guess guys mostly don’t want to make a Goddess mask, go figure. It is their loss. 🙂 The participants had come from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Ontario and included several dedicated craftswomen, a yoga teacher/actress, a midwife, a retired ballerina current yogini, a business woman philanthropist and a housewife.

One participant even wrote me a poem:

Often quiet, often silent
Often wanting to be free
Flying high above the trees
Telling what there is to see…
Bringing visions of the goddess
To the circle at our feet
With her face in white of plaster
She was also filled with laughter..
Sometimes rosey, sometimes pink
Sometimes she would stop and think
Shall I paint this mask of mine?
No, not now, another time…
So we all have since then parted
Going this and that way farther
Towards the goddess of our dreams
and moisturize our mask with cream…
Beatriz Rodriguez
Wow! What an honor. Thanks so much. Thanks to Lauren and Kirpalu and all participants that I could be part of this sacred and cultural event.

Gaia Mask

Above: Mask of Gaia by Lauren Raine

Do you want to have a creative mini-vacation this Spring? Are you interested in exploring the feminine side of the divine? Have you always imagined yourself as Venus or Nu’ut? Ishtar, Freya, Saraswati, Pele or Selu?

This April you can live out that creative dream at THE KRIPALU CENTER FOR YOGA AND HEALTH in the Berkshires (Massachusetts) by attending Lauren Raine‘s Masks of the Goddess: Maskmaking, Ritual and the Goddess Within. Lauren is a wonderful artist and great spirit, who I’ve known for many years. She is dedicated to the concept of the divine feminine and the Gaia Principle.

You will be able to create your own mask and relate to it through ritual. The experience of making a mask is creative and spiritually nourishing and dates back centuries in a variety of cultures the world over.

The dates are:
April 13 – 16, 2008 (Sunday – Wednesday)

For information By Phone: 800-741-7353

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