Fire Island Sunset, August 22, 2011

On August 23, 2011 between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m. I was travelling on a ferryboat from Fire Island N.Y. to Long Island N.Y. after a too short holiday. There was a small girl about four years old who was also on the boat with a group of relatives. We were both riding on the open top level of the ferry. Towards the end of the ride I was gazing at the shore in anticipation when the level of the Earth seemed to shift. The sea was very calm and this was not a wave in the water. The child noticed it too and pointed and cried out to her fellow travellers who had not seen it. I mentioned it to my companion with a bit of anxiety but he hadn’t noticed it either.

Soon I was in a car driving west toward Manhattan and Massapequa where we would stop for lunch at the All-American on Merrick Road. The event on the ferry probably would have passed totally from memory had it not been for the news I heard on the radio when I returned to the car after lunch: THERE HAD BEEN AN EARTHQUAKE IN NYC!!! Totally surprising, and as it turned out the actual epicenter of the quake was in Virginia, but it was clearly felt in New York City. The visual anomaly seen by myself and the child had been approximately an hour before the earthquake struck. Was there any connection? I do not know.

During two recent but different summers at a location in western Morris County NJ I heard a low mechanical consistent fast rumbling sound that lasted for over an hour both times. It was also heard by another person who was with me. I went outside though it was after midnight in both cases. I could not determine the location of the sound. It seemed to have come slightly southward of my location and I suspected underground tunneling.

On Monday, February 02, 2009 at 10:34:19 PM and Tuesday, February 03, 2009 at 03:34:19 two earthquakes were felt just to the south of the location where I had been. I was not present for either of them but was told by several persons who were, that the sound was like that of a large truck that had been dropped from a great height.

Recently I have become aware of the mysterious sounds which a variety of people from many places around the world have heard. There are purported recordings of these sounds on YouTube, some of which are probably hoaxed, but I think not all. Most of the sounds are slightly metallic in nature and people sometimes compare them to “Archangel Gabriel’s Trumpet” which is thought to herald the “endtimes”.

What I think may be happening is related to global warming and some earthquakes. As the Earth’s temperature is rising quickly (in geologic terms) perhaps on average a degree a decade, the polar ice caps and many glaciers are melting causing a displacement of water. Simply put, large amounts of water in the form of ice are melting and the water in liquid form is going elsewhere. In the North Arctic/Atlantic region the melting fresh water being dumped into the sea seems to have affected and diverted the Gulf Stream causing Europe to have a record cold winter. With the Himalaya glaciers melting there is abnormal flooding in Pakistan and Bangladesh in the rainy monsoon season. Small islands are being lost in the Pacific. In other places the lack of snow/ice/glaciers are causing the land to rise very slowly and unevenly causing some of these sounds and earthquakes. Water is extraordinarily heavy even when it is only a few feet thick. Think of massive amounts of rock under considerable pressure shifting against one another for perhaps miles on a seam under the surface of the Earth. Granted, this explanation is somewhat simplistic, but generally speaking this is what I believe to be happening.

It would seem that it is The Mother Gaia speaking to us.

For an interesting compilation of these trumpet-like mechanical sounds heard worldwide and some back stories from experiencers go to which is Linda Moulton Howe’s Earthfiles website.

Friday August 24, 2012 Update

I am vindicated on my theory of how global warming is causing more earthquakes!

Remnants of Ancient Troy

It has been a while since I have written a post. I’ve been very busy with my life in general, but also very intensely concerned with the Earth and the ecological devastation that has taken place increasingly over the past year. I don’t like to write a post that is infused with hopeless negativity even if what I am writing about is true.

Last year we had the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, a totally preventable man-made disaster, that was so destructive to other species and human livelihoods. It really made me furious and I could not write about it constructively, so I did not write about it at all. Instead I wrote some posts about energy solutions. I hope to continue to do this, but of course this is primarily a blog about the anomalous and the paranormal.

The Earth has also experienced a number of violent earthquakes around the world in many places such as Haiti, Chile and of course, Japan. I fear that the western coast of North America will not be spared. My heart goes out to all people and other creatures affected by these calamities. I am aware that earthquakes are a continuous phenomena across geologic time. It does seem to me that the severity and number of these quakes are increasing in recent years. A higher population density worldwide intensifies the destruction to humans. A theory concerning greater earthquake frequency to which I currently ascribe is that as glaciers and polar ice caps continue to melt due to (mostly man-made) global warming, the placement of water changes around the globe. There is, for instance, less water ice resting on the Himalayas and therefore a whole lot less weight holding them down, while there is perhaps more water, therefore more weight, in the South Pacific, especially around the equator. When this weight is redistributed in this manner, especially in a very geologically active area, such as the Ring of Fire, it may boost the number and severity of quakes on fault lines. The extent of the weight of water in this equation should not be underestimated. Think about how attentive one must be to water pressure when scuba diving only a relatively few feet down.

Now in addition to the devastation caused by the earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis, another man-made catastrophe has occurred. The nuclear reactors at Fukishima have been severely damaged by the quake and tsunami and are now in various states of partial meltdown. Unfortunately the reactors were unsafe from their inception. Nuclear energy is inherently unsafe due to human fallibility which is always present along with human greed which causes planners to cut corners, and because the spent fuel remains highly radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years and there is no where to put spent fuel that is safe.

Sadly, the situation is far from under control, though brave workers at the plant have repeatedly attempted to shut down the reactors at the cost of their own (workers) health. It is not the object of this blog to go into detail about the various radioactive substances still being manufactured and spewed forth from Fukishima and which are a hazard to all biological life on this planet. A smart consumer of information will be well advised to look into this on his or her own. An excellent starting place is Arnie Gunderson’s site Fairewinds Associates. I personally would like to see all nuclear facilities fazed out starting with reactors in large population areas, on or near geological faults or subject to violent weather extremes.

Of course we should all do what we can to help the victims of these multiple tragedies. One action we can take to prevent this tragedy being repeated, is to lobby our elected officials to shutdown nuclear power plants and withdraw tax subsidies to build new ones. Go ahead…write those letters…get off yer duffs and go out and demonstrate! Do something proactive instead of stewing in existential depression which is pointless.

In this article it is necessary to follow the links to understand the comments. I don’t care to reprint all the articles. Sorry.

Violent earthquakes shorten the day by milliseconds and can cause subsequent volcanic activity:

There are likely to be more big earthquakes coming within a year. One reason is polar ice and glaciers melting, causing a shift in water weight and placement.

A guy at the auto channel makes a good but odd case for the verity of UFO sightings:

The only thing is: we have lots of Toyotas in our possession (the smoking gun) but not one physical UFO in the public domain.

And as if you needed more bad news, dark dangerous asteroids have been found to be crossing Earth’s orbit. Good news is that due to Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) we can now see these objects (burnt out comets?) before they hit us.

Asteroid 2001PT9 missed us on March 3 by 11 lunar distances which is a bit close for comfort.

As of today, March 8, 2010 we again have no sunspots on the sun after a flurry of several months of mild sunspot activity.

During February there were approximately four earthquakes in New Jersey, three of which were centered in Morris County. This is not an area known for earthquakes although I have heard that there is a fault under Lake Hopatcong. The first earthquake was felt on February 3, 2009 and was a 3.0 on the Richter scale. People said it was like a truck had been dropped from a high elevation and others said it felt more like an explosion than an earthquake. It should be noted that 3 of the 4 earthquakes were centered a short distance from the U.S. Army’s Picatinny Arsenal and some local residents wonder if there was not an underground mishap. My own experience with earthquakes is limited to two I experienced in Manhattan. They both felt like a subway had been rerouted directly under my building, however one was centered in the Upper East River and the other in nearby Connecticut. If there is a fault running under Lake Hopatcong one wonders about the advisability of underground weapons storage a mile or two away!

There have also been numerous reports of UFOs having been seen in January and February. Some skeptics have concluded that the reports represent Chinese lanterns but the observers dispute this. Here are some reports:

There are some precedents for the confluence of UFOs and earthquakes. Some researchers believe that powerful electromagnetic fields before earthquakes can disrupt activity in the temporal lobes, causing people to see lights in the sky.

Here is a report from Peru about UFOs and lights being seen before a during a larger earthquake:

So this is basically a known phenomena that can be researched on the web and in the literature. In Morris County the red lights in the sky were mostly seen in late January, directly before the earthquakes in early February.

April 10, 2009 Note: Apparently two hooligans have confessed to faking the UFOs by launching flares with balloons. They created an aviation hazard and proved NOTHING. Because it is possible to fake something does not mean that all UFO phenomena are faked.

Oddly, the only place I’ve seen a UFO has been in Morris County. The first time was when I was about twelve years old at Cozy Lake. This was the real deal and was witnessed by 15 to 20 other individuals including police officers. (I plan to go into this at great length at another time.) The second time was about 12 years later while passing a reservoir on Route 23 and I am the least positive about this sighting as I was driving by myself to a job.  The third and most recent time was on Route 46 this past September around Pine Brook (Morris Co.)/Fairfield (Essex Co.).  I am a sky watcher and was looking up toward the North north east and I saw a silver glint in the clear blue sky. I assumed it was an airplane but as I continued to watch it, I could discern no wings, no tail and no windows. It looked like an aluminum or steel barrel with struts around it.  Then it winked out of sight. Later I saw several accounts of cylinders being seen as nearby as Staten Island on George Filer’s Filer’s Files.

The other issue here is that I’ve noticed a general increase in public interest in UFOs during the last 18 months. More people I’m speaking to seem to be buzzing about them and this past week on the Paracast I heard Richard Dolan opine that some information might be shortly forthcoming from government informants.