coronal mass ejection

Many individuals are concerned about a variety of potential natural catastrophes that may transpire here on Earth. I’ve been debating on whether or not to write about this particular one but the very recent coronal mass ejection from the Sun pushed me ever forward.

Ostensibly there was a time when human ancestors had not yet begun to speak. Wikipedia proclaims that “modern” humans emerged from Africa 300,000 years ago. There were proto humans prior to that date in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia/Oceana.

After speech evolved, objects were signified by an associated sound. This happens in other mammals as well. Domestic cats, for example, often make one sound if they see birds out the window and another when asking their humans for food. Chances are very great that human ancestors made associative sounds more than 300,000 years ago.

Then came writing which was a huge development for humans. The first writing was pictographs, a small somewhat standardized drawing of the object being communicated. This is commonly estimated to have happened around 9000 BC around the inhabited world but especially in Mesopotamia. I am persuaded that it actually happened somewhat earlier than that, before the end of the last Ice Age, but that is a story for a different day, fascinating though it is. Terence McKenna opined that pictographic writing is superior to phonic writing because it comes more directly from nature, while phonic writing associates a letter with a sound. Eckhart Tolle often uses the phase that this word or that merely points to the concept. It is important to remember that the word is not the object or idea itself, it just suggests or points to it.

During ancient times and the Middle Ages, countless hours were spent copying manuscripts by hand and were sometimes beautifully “illuminated” or illustrated with careful drawings. Many of these manuscripts were religious or devotional in nature. Prior to widespread writing people like Homer in ancient times, and today aboriginal singers in places like Australia and the Dogon people in East Africa have preserved knowledge and stories through memorized songs and chants that have changed little in millennia .

Everything began to change with Gutenberg’s perfection of moveable type in 1450. Moveable type was also developed in China and Korea perhaps 100 years earlier but not popularized nor as automated. Mostly Gutenberg printed Bibles. But soon other things were printed as well. In the mid 19th Century totally automated printing was developed in New York City by Richard M. Hoe and then the average American could afford to buy a book or a newspaper. Things were really changing. There were fewer illiterate people in developed countries. (This short narrative is not meant to be a definitive history of printing, but rather it is meant to establish a time line.)

Fast forward to around 1990 and personal computers have become affordable for the masses in industrialized countries. This was followed quickly by the Internet, which really revolutionized human interaction and socialization and it was followed quickly by cellphones which are owned by people all over the world in many disparate cultures. Now a rancher in Oklahoma can call or text an imam in Egypt who can call a factory worker in Thailand who can call a Saami reindeer herder in Northern Lapland who can call her stockbroker in London who can call me for an intuitive reading. :-D!

Up until at least 2000 many scholars and erudite people had large libraries of books some of which were rare and on arcane subjects not of interest to many, such as pastoral Bulgarian poetry of the 17th Century or Blood types present in Ecuadorian red parrots. 

I received an article from my friend Rox, about how people who were downsizing their book collections were not able to sell the books to used bookstores or donate them to libraries. Most of these books were unwanted due to “THE CLOUD”!!! Most of us know that the cloud is a place in cyberspace where one can store digital copies of books and archives. One can also store bunches of books and photos from one’s digital device (cell phone or computer). The cloud in cyberspace is a network of servers. To understand the cloud better, I recommend an article in Medium.

East Village Books owner Donald Davis pointed out that books bought from Amazon and similar sellers and stored on Kindle are only leased and not owned by you, the “buyer”, or more accurately the renter.

So what I have hoped to do above is to establish an ever quickening pace of collection, sharing and storage of human knowledge.

Language 300,000 years ago, symbolic writing more than 11,000 years ago, first printing perfected 600 years ago, mass printing 170 years ago, computerization of communication about 30 years ago and human knowledge stored in the cloud for about the last 10 years. Can you see the quickening?

So back to the idea that books are being discarded in favor of the cloud. This may not be best practice because on September 1, 1859 the Sun sent out coronal mass ejections from sunspots that fried much of the world’s telegraph systems. Telegraph was cutting edge technology at that time and a British astronomer named Richard Carrington saw the eruptions happen through his telescope and so the disaster bears his name, the Carrington Event

Since that time the world has depended more heavily on electromagnetic media in the cloud and nearly every home is on the electric grid of its country or state. Should that grid massively fail as it is very likely in a huge geomagnetic storm or an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack by a global adversary, civilization would be taken back to the Dark Ages or worse. A geomagnetic storm can fry the large transformers that carry electricity across a nation’s electrical grid. There is not a huge supply of new transformers out there to reinstall an entire nation’s grid and all information stored in the cloud would evaporate faster than a puff of smoke. It seems like a foregone conclusion that this will happen. The only question is when.

When it does happen much of human knowledge would be eradicated forever.

Of course this blog, Shattered Reality Podcast, online banking, and all your personal photos stored on your computer and in the cloud will also be irretrievably lost. Saving a hard copy of your favorite picture of your mother or your cat is recommended, however an event like this of great magnitude would likely be the end of civilization as we know it.

Though I would never say I channeled this blog spot, I was very pushed by something outside myself to write it.

Fahrusha is a blogger, podcaster and professional intuitive. She encourages all polite comments to this blog and endeavors to answer them in a timely fashion.

What lurks unseen on the highways? Spirits of forgotten ancestors?

A couple of weeks ago I was heading into NYC from north central New Jersey. I put my NYC address in my GPS. It decided to send me via the George Washington Bridge after first indicating the Holland Tunnel. I complied with the instructions, figuring there must be some sort of traffic snarl along the other routes. Both the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels are closer to the East Village.

Heading Eastbound on Route 80, I was again diverted to a side road driving first past my “Shattered Reality Podcast” co-host’s place of business and then was sent directly to her home. I checked the GPS and somehow the address displayed had been changed without warning or incident to Kate Valentine’s home. I discovered this about a block before arriving and beat a hasty retreat, wondering how this could have happened. Her home address was one of my past locations but I hadn’t been there in several months. Also of interest is the fact that her place of business is not on a direct route between where I started and her home, so there would be no reason why I should have been taken there first.

Never before had the GPS malfunctioned in this way, and it gave no notice that the destination address had changed, as it should have done when the destination is changed. The GPS controls were never touched. The New York City address was again put in the GPS as I headed eastward on Route 80. In less than five minutes from leaving the proximity of the Valentine home, out of nowhere, Kate called me. I asked her politely about the purpose of the call and she said she didn’t know why she called. She just felt like calling me. Since the passing of our beloved audio engineer Bill in May, the podcast has been on hiatus and Kate and I speak a bit less than once a week.

I told her what had happened and she was aghast. Her home is set back from the road and has lots of trees and shrubbery obscuring any view of the road. We had turned around before reaching her house and it was twilight and we were in a very unremarkable black car, so clearly there was no way she could have seen me. There is no view of the road from inside the house. We decided it was a sign that we should endeavor to restart the podcast and maybe, just maybe it was a sign from beyond the veil from Bill.

Co-incidence and consciousness researcher Dr. Sharon Hewitt-Rawlette.

Early this morning I was listening to a Thanatos TV presentation on YouTube by Dr. Sharon Hewitt Rawlette about the phenomena of co-incidence and how she as a philosopher and professional writer evaluates whether or not the coincidence is paranormal in nature.

Yesterday I was thinking of a client I hadn’t heard from in more than six months and wondering how she was doing. I had a few questions I wanted to ask her about someone I thought she might know and few other things. I thought of her quite intently for several minutes. I was not consciously trying to use any telepathy to contact her.

This morning my client sent me a text saying that my card fell out of her wallet and she decided it was time for a reading.

Hewitt-Rawlette’s possible causes for co-incidence begins with chance. Could this event have been mere chance? Since it is a three way co-incidence (my client, Dr. Hewitt Rawlette and me), I find this very unlikely.

Was it telepathy on the part of my client? Unlikely. My card fell out of her wallet.

Was it paranormal powers on the part of Dr. Hewitt-Rawlett? Probably not, as her only motive would be to further the interest in co-incidence as evidence of paranormality. There would also be a big time distortion involved as her interview with Thanatos was a month ago. There is even a small time distortion here because I listened to the interview approximately 14 hours after I thought strongly of my client. But time is the fourth dimension in our time space continuum and as such it can be traversed in inexplicable ways. I did not listen to Rawlette’s interview in any way because of my client, but rather because I have an interest in her work in general. At 6:30am today my client was far from my thoughts.

So that leaves three possibilities as I see it. By merely thinking of my client strongly I unintentionally caused my card to fall from her wallet psychokinetically. Or was I involved in some sort of precognition of the fact that she would contact me?

Finally could a deceased person or other disembodied entity have caused this three way co-incidence to occur?

Fahrusha is a professional intuitive in the New York area. She is also the co-host of “Shattered Reality Podcast” which is currently on hiatus. She welcomes all polite comments on this blog and strives to answer them in a timely fashion.

On the morning of January 1, 2021 I woke to find a steel whistle on a black lanyard on a low bureau next to the bed where I currently sleep. Atop that bedside bureau normally sit my water vessel on a birch coaster from Finland, several lotions and unguents and a white plastic pill bottle containing melatonin tabs. If there were an extra similarly packaged lotion there I might not have noticed. But a whistle was totally out of place. I believe that the whistle was once an object owned by me, but I hadn’t seen it in several years and in fact, hadn’t thought about it or looked for it either.

Did this teleported object have a meaning? Should I now wear it wherever I go? Is it symbolic or literal in meaning?

“Alert, alert,” it seems to say.

I am reminded of the late Mary Rose Barrington, author of the excellent book J.O.T.T.: Just One of Those Things all about items that come and go from our households as if they have minds of their own. She was a guest on “Shattered Reality Podcast” and that episode can be heard here.

Do the items move on their own or are they moved by disembodied entities?

As if in silent homage to the excellent Mary Rose Barrington, the whistle reads “The Acme Thunderer, Made in England”.

Fahrusha is a professional intuitive and the host of “Shattered Reality Podcast”.

On April 17 I woke up with the memory of a talking cat. I have cats sleeping with me most nights, but the cat that was talking to me was an all black fully grown male cat and he was not on the bed, but next to it with his paws on the wooden edge of the bed looking into my face and talking to me.

When I woke up I didn’t remember what he said and there was no such cat in the room at the moment.

Shortly I picked up my phone from the floor and turned it on. I don’t keep the ringer on during the night. You could say I value my sleep.

Then I looked at the newsfeed on my phone. Very depressing. I scrolled down. There was an article featuring a picture of a black cat, a well known talking black cat, a YouTube sensation named Sylvester.

The fellow responsible for the cat saying funny things had committed suicide. Mental illness the article said, bi-polar. More sadness I thought. Can’t get away from it. Like many comedians and literal clowns his impulse to make people laugh covered up a darker aspect of his personality. Sometimes the need to make people laugh corresponds with the need for approval from others.

Immediately after, a friend named Susan in Italy posted a photo of her 2 black cats. Now that’s a mild synchronicity too. And later in the day a fellow named John, who I only know from Facebook, but a thoroughly nice chap, messaged me a video of a talking and singing dog. I don’t recall him ever sending me a funny personal message before. The style of the dog singing was eerily similar to Steve, the cat man’s videos. Was it his?

It wasn’t. It was Nikie Smith’s dog Amos doing a quarantine rendition of “Stayin’ Alive” on Facebook, which come to think of it, is very topical here.

The genesis of this synchronistic series of events may originate with my unofficial at-home study of dream remote viewing as propounded by Dale Graff, former manager of the DIA’s Project Stargate. Graff is a prodigious dreamer who is able to dream about what sort of news story will appear on a particular page of a particular newspaper a given number of days hence. His specialty is airplane disasters but he “sees” many other things, and has been a guest on “Shattered Reality Podcast”.

I do not remember my dreams as much as I’d like to, so I have been writing most of the ones I do remember in a dream journal. I hadn’t “tasked” myself the night before the talking black cat dream as I would have were I practicing dream remote viewing, but I think my previous tasking had somehow carried over. My success rate is quite good when I can remember my dreams, but I often don’t remember.


Steve Cash

The late very funny and creative Steve Cash, a popular YouTube personality best known for his “Talking Kitty Cat” video series. Rest in peace.

My deepest sympathies to Mr. Cash’s family and friends. He brought smiles to many faces.

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), text “STRENGTH” to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 or go to

Fahrusha is the host of “Shattered Reality Podcast” and a professional intuitive.

The PATH Station entrance in Hoboken

The PATH Station entrance in Hoboken

After having Dr. Stanley Krippner on “Shattered Reality Podcast” at the end of July speaking about precognitive dreams amongst other things, I have been mulling over dreams I have had recently. A bit over a week ago I had a dream wherein two people I did not recognize, walked out of a woods toward a road in a place I did not recognize, carrying with them a number of rescued kittens, one of whom was a white female kitten. I was intensely interested in the white kitten and the woman carrying it offered it to me to adopt. I accepted the offer but that is where the dream ended. Several days later, I saw a video on my FaceBook feed from “the Dodo”, which was remarkably like my dream, but minus my participation. I was extremely intrigued by this, though it did not materially affect my life. Something that has become apparent to me recently is that often I dream about people I don’t know or know of, that is they are not famous people.

Last night or more precisely in the wee hours of the morning I woke up from my sleep and was thinking about programming a dream. This time I decided to loosely (very loosely, since I was still a bit snoozed) use the technique employed by Dale Graff, a dream researcher and fellow member of IRVA and SSE. I asked for a dream about a future event I might see in the newspaper on the third or fourth page. Sadly in my half snoozed state, I failed to put a date on the newspaper. Sorry Dale, my bad.

As planned, I shortly fell back to sleep with my intention in mind. I dreamed I was at a PATH train station in Hoboken NJ going with my class to NYC to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The PATH (Port Authority Trans-Hudson) trains go from urban New Jersey to several locations on the lower westside of Manhattan. Unfortunately the fare had just been raised to $4.00. It is currently $2.75. My entire class went through the turnstile but I did not have exact change, which in my dream had to be in singles and/or quarters. This is at least partially true, because at the Hoboken station, in order to get a one way ticket to insert into the turnstile, you need to put such a combination into the ticket machine.

A very thin, odd looking woman, with day-glo red and pink hair that stood up on end, tried to help me. I had put most of the fare into the turnstile but was missing some coins. She stood guard as I ran about frantically looking for change. Amazingly I found that my jacket pocket on the left side was stuffed with $20 bills! How had that happened? I was now afraid of losing them. As I raced back to the turnstile the rooster-haired woman was leaving the station. Someone had just gone through the turnstile that had at least $3.50 of my money in it.

9th Street PATH station.

9th Street PATH station.

Not to be thwarted, I fished a bus ticket out of my wallet and got on the bus for Manhattan bound for the Port Authority Building hoping to catch up with my fellow art students going to the museum. When I got to the Port Authority building I ran into my friend, ESJ, who offered me a flattened but tasty cookie filled with a chewy vanilla marshmallow. It was delicious.

Here I will digress. In the past several years I have noticed the ability to smell and taste things in my dreams. I wonder how many people do this? I know studies have been done on who dreams in color versus black and white. For me, it is color, though some dreams have more vivid color than others.

The dream concluded with ESJ going to a bakery counter on the second floor of the PA and purchasing piping hot almond biscotti freshly cut and out of the oven. Yum. Apparently I forgot about my class in my delight.

When I awoke I had vertigo. I also discovered that the night (09/17/2016) before I had dined at an Italian restaurant in Chelsea around the corner from where a small pressure cooker bomb had exploded an hour after I’d left the restaurant. On the corner near the explosion is a PATH train station which is currently closed over the weekend and I now learn, until further notice. I did not learn of the explosion until today (09/18/2016). In my dream I was at a station on the Jersey side, so this may be entirely coincidental.

I will be interested to discover if the PATH train fares increase in the near future.

Note: Pay attention to your dreams and journal them. Precognitive dreams can be had by anyone, but you have to respect and remember your dreams and treat them as valuable.

Postscript: Yesterday September 29, 2016, there was a terrible train crash in Hoboken NJ. My condolences and deepest sympathies go out to the victims of that crash. The train station and the PATH train are located in the same complex, indeed the track on which the train crashed was the one furthest north and nearest to the PATH train and the PATH train was shut down for several hours yesterday.

In addition, money for fixing the trains has been discussed heavily in the local news today. Seems as though the transportation experts had been warning NJ that they needed to make safety changes at the Hoboken station.

Did my dream have significant elements in it regarding this tragedy or was it a coincidence? I make no claims and indeed this event is very saddening and sobering. Although I work as an intuitive, I am not an expert in using dreams to forecast things. It is a discipline with which I am working and trying to learn from. If I were remote viewing, I would not have hit a bull’s eye, but probably have been told I went to the right location. But I put this forth; I don’t ever remember dreaming about going to the Hoboken PATH station before. I have lived most of my life not very far away from it, whether in lower Manhattan or nearby NJ, and in my recollection, nothing anywhere near this significant has happened there or so close by.  I do not regularly ride the NJ Transit trains and can’t remember having ever rode on the line that crashed. I now would not be at all surprised if all these fares go up.

In a situation like this it is abundantly clear why in remote viewing protocol there are a number of viewers tasked with a target, because different viewers can bring different pieces of the target together.

Again, deepest respectful sympathies to all killed, hurt or traumatized by this tragedy.

Fahrusha is an intuitive reader and the co-host of “Shattered Reality Podcast”.

behind8ballI have been writing this blog for over 8 years and this has been the longest time I have gone without writing a post. Last year I started Shattered Reality Podcast with co-host Kate Valentine and sound engineer Bill Moraites. Somehow this venture has eaten up a lot of my writing time.

For those who have not listened to Shattered Reality Podcast this post may serve as a guide to the individual programs you might be interested in hearing up to the December 2015 broadcast. There are shows about all manner of anomalies and parapsychological studies and experiences. The highlighted links will bring you to the audios for each podcast. The podcast is also available at and We are putting the shows up on iTunes as well and there are more than ten up there already.

The first show we did over a year ago featured veteran radio personality Don Ecker and we talked about Moon anomalies. Don has been hosting Dark Matters Radio for a number of years and is well known in the UFO community.

Podcast #2 examined the book “Walking Through Walls” by Philip Smith about his father, Lew Smith, the psychic healer, and life in Miami in the mid twentieth century.

Our next guest was Mack Maloney a prolific writer of military fiction and two very accessible books about UFOs: Beyond Area 51 and UFOs in Wartime.

Mathematician and aerospace engineer Robert Schroeder (Podcast#4) wrote a book about the physics of how UFOs may be propelled called Solving The UFO Enigma: How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs.

Natalie Sudman’s account of being blown up in Iraq and having an out of body and near death experience makes for a must listen show.

Next we were joined by Albert Rosales who has amassed the world’s largest collection of humanoid sightings.

Podcast #7 features image analyst and former Paracast co-host David Biedny speaking about the nature of the paranormal.

Next, Kate Valentine and Fahrusha have a nice chat with the British born psychic, shaman and remote viewer Angela Thompson Smith.

The mysteries of psychokinesis are revealed on Podcast #9 with University of Virginia’s Dr. Ross Dunseath.

Ken Pfeifer who is the head of NJ MUFON  (Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network) joined us for discussion. He also runs a database of sightings called

The late great airline pilot, Captain Andy Danziger told us his account of a very amazing UFO sighting and David Biedny offered an opinion piece about the Roswell slides debacle.

Ellen Hodgson Brown is our 12th podcast guest discussing her 12th book, Web Of Debt. Syncronicity, or what? 🙂

Lucky #13 is Col. John B. Alexander, Ph.D., who has the inside scoop on UFOs with his book UFOs, Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities.

Alex Tsakiris, host of Skeptiko podcast, joins Kate Valentine and Fahrusha to discuss his views about a host of paranormal and spiritual subjects.

Former US government remote viewer Dr. Paul H. Smith talks remote viewing and UFOs.

Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle, President and Executive Director of the prestigious Monroe Institute, speaks about the life-changing experience of attending the the Monroe Institute.

We welcome back NJ MUFON’s Ken Pfeifer to talk about the recent Australian UFO flap and listener Roxan tells us about an extreme Man In Black incident.

Ron Felber, author of The Mohave Incident joined Kate and Fahrusha for a horrifying true story of alien abduction.

We were very happy to speak with physicist Tom Campbell (My Big T.O.E.) about his amazing theory of everything.

Greg Bishop, author of Project Beta and popular host of “Radio Misterioso” converses with Kate and Fahrusha about the Paul Bennewitz disinfo affair and theories of UFO origins.

Todd Robbins, host of Investigation Discovery’s True Nightmares shares some grizzly accounts of real life horror.

P.M.H. Atwater near-death researcher and experiencer explains the basics of the near death experience to our listeners.

I am hoping to get back to more writing soon, but until then, please listen in to any of the above, for a paranormal experience! 🙂

Fahrusha is a NYC area intuitive reader and podcaster. She can be reached at

Shattered Reality Cover Art on iTunes

Shattered Reality Cover Art on iTunes

I am happy to announce that the Shattered Reality Podcast is now on iTunes and can be subscribed to. We have nine shows up so far, dealing with the paranormal. Please see also: and

Secondly, I wrote a guest spot of “Your Weekly Wedding Horoscope” last week on Brides magazine online edition in conjunction with Elizabeth Mitchell.