The bear dog Magericyon anceps by Mauricio Anton.

The bear dog Magericyon anceps by Mauricio Anton.

Some years ago in the late ’80s, I predicted that biologists and geneticists would be able to breed mammoths and possibly mastodons by using frozen DNA which would be found in the Arctic regions. I wrote a blog piece which touched on this a while back:

Recently I found another article confirming my old prediction: 

I was initially planning to add the above link to the Guardian article to my old post “A Mammoth Prediction”. But early Saturday morning August 3, 2013, I had a super-real dream, which was also a lucid dream. A being with a deep male voice spoke to me about extinct mammals of Europe. He spoke to me in English and in German and said he was the (over-soul of the) Bear-Dog and would like to be revived in the same manner as the wooly mammoth might be revived. Now mind you, this was a lucid dream, and my conscious mind was somewhat functional. The only two extinct mammals of Europe that I could think of while dreaming were the saber-tooth tiger and the aurochs, but I could not in this lucid dream state think of the word “aurochs”, though I tried. The being was looking somewhat bearlike and ferocious, but oddly, I had absolutely no fear of it and actually felt something of a bond with it.

When I got up on Saturday morning I decided to search the internet to find a description of the aurochs and did, but that was not the being in my vision. Strangely I did find an extinct mammal of Europe called the bear-dog! I had had no previous idea that such an animal ever existed. The illustration above is an artist’s depiction of what such an animal might look like. My bear-dog was somewhat huskier or fatter and had darker fur, but otherwise was very similar. I’m not entirely sure of what to make of this experience, but it was very exhilarating to find confirmation of my vision on the internet. The fact that he also spoke German to me was interesting and may point to either the animal after which Berlin was named, or indicate that the bear-dog’s range included German-speaking Europe.

So “Word up” paleontological geneticists! How about reviving my friend, the bear-dog?

Fahrusha is an intuitive reader in New York City and an avid lucid dreamer. She can be contacted by email at: